About us

FlightClaimEU ta bringa pa proteha derechi di pasahero

Lokual nos ta hasi

Nos ta kere den e hecho ku niun pasahero mester sufri door ku e kompania di aviashon tin e posishon mas fuerte. Nos ta konsientisa e pasahero, riba su derechi y usa nos ekspertisio pa juda e pasahero sigura nan kompensashon door di atende e kaso nan di kleim entrega y na mes momento gana kaso nan huridiko. Nos enfoke ta basá riba e kerensha ku e kliente ta merese un servisio rapido y fasil, pesey nos ta ofrese servisio basá riba e estado di arte di teknologia di informashon (IT). Bon Bini na nos mundu moderno, kaminda pasahero no ta esun mas suak y por para pa nan derechi respektivamente!

Nos mishon

Nos ta afligí pa por konsientisá pasaheronan aereo di nan derechi komo pasahero i duna servisio rápido, kosto efektivo i sin riesgo di akuerdo ku e derechinan. FlightClaimEU ta sirbi komo entrada  entre e regulashon di EU i kompensashon, i ta realisá kleimnan eksitoso na pasaheronan aéreo afektá pa interupshon. Ta parti di nos mishon pa bai dilanti di hues pa kualke kliente ku kleim di kompensashon di buelo bálido, i no ta kobra pa nos servisio te ora ku gana e kaso. Nos ta traha a base di komishon simpel, ku solamente ta wordu kobra despues ku e kompensashon wordu proveé di e Airline.

FlightClaimEU fights for the rights of air passengers

FlightClaimEU fights to protect passenger rights

What we do

We believe in a world where travellers do not have to suffer because of the stronger position of the airline. We raise awareness about passenger rights and use our expertise to help passengers secure their compensation by handling their claims cases and winning legal battles on their behalf. Our approach is based on the belief that customers deserve a fast and easy-to-use service, hence we offer our service based on state-of-the-art IT solutions. Welcome to our modern world, where passengers are no longer the weaker party and can stand up for their rights effectively!

Our mission

We strive to make certain that air travellers are aware of their rights as passengers and provide them with a quick, cost effective and risk free service in accordance with these rights. FlightClaimEU serves as the gateway between EU regulation and compensation, and makes successful claims for air travellers affected by disruptions. It is part of our mission to go to court for any client with a valid flight compensation claim, and we do not charge for our service until we have won the case. We work on a simple commission basis, which is only charged after the compensation is awarded by the airline.

Nos Servisio

Klaim di buelo

FlightClaimEU ta atende kleim nan eksitoso na pasahero aero riba buelo ku a wordu afekta door di retraso, buelo kanselá y si admishon riba buelo wordu nenga. Si ta nesesario, nos lo entama kaso den korte pa kualkier pasahero ku tin kleim valido pa kompensashon y nos no ta kobra e servisio te na e momentu ku nos gana e kaso. E inkumbinensia ku bo sufri lo wordu rekompensá.

Klaim di ekipahe

FlightClaimEU lo sigurá bo kompensashon pa ekipahe pèrdè, retrasá òf daña door di no solamente presentá e kleim, sino durante e proseso kontinuamente pusha e Airline pa kontestá, formulando argumentonan legal pa gana i, si ta nesesario, hiba e diskushon kada biaha di nobo. Nos lo persisti te ora e kaso di kleim wordu solushona, mientras trankil bo por sinta, i spera bo kompensashon.

Klaim di impuesto

FlightClaimEU ta yuda bo haña e reembolsa riba impuesto di aeropuerto inkluì den bo tiket no usa. Si bo no a tuma un buelo, no tin mester di paga e impuesto di aeropuerto – sinembargo e impuestonan aki awor no ta wordu kompensá outomatikamente door di e airline. Mester tuma kontakto stret den kada kaso: FlightClaimEU su ekspertisio ta sigurá bo ku esaki lo wordu hasi na un manera efisiente i bo ta risibí e reembolsa faborabel.

Klaim di huur


Our services


FlightClaimEU handles claims successfully for air passengers affected by delayed flights, cancellations and denied boarding. If necessary, we will go to court for any client with a valid flight compensation claim and we do not charge for our services until after we have won the case and the airline has provided the requested funds. The inconvenience you suffered will be duly compensated for.


FlightClaimEU will secure your compensation for lost, delayed or damaged baggage by not only filing the claim, but also by continously pushing the airline to respond, formulating the legal arguments to win and if necessary, by having the discussion over and over again. We will persist until the claim case has been resolved, while you lean back and await your compensation.


FlightClaimEU will help you get refunded for the airport flight taxes included in your unused ticket. If you have not taken a flight, the relevant airport taxes need not be paid – however, these taxes are not currently automatically refunded by airlines. They need to be contacted directly in each case – FlightClaimEU’s expertise will ensure that this is done efficiently and you receive the refund that is due to you.


Coming soon.